
Thursday, January 15, 2009

KL trip day 2

今天和朋友到了 M 广场去逛逛,很幸福的是这里的广场每天都比 perth 的广场迟打烊,不同的是这里接触的不再是高人一等的鬼佬,取而代之的是友族同胞和同样是由26个字母组成的另一种语言。。还真的有些不惯。。。
新年快到了,M 广场中有个红彤彤的小舞台:

到了间美国牌子 C 的快餐店去点了份超大的饮料,薯条,和汉堡。有点国外的味道,开始有点想念我的 perth 生活。。。 想念 HJ 快餐。。。


臭豆腐 @ aroma across a thousand miles


  1. i too miss the shopping malls in malaysia!
    in here the shops close abt 5-6pm and after 6pm it becomes dead city or scene for zombie movie..haha XD
    i like carls junior...the burger is just way too better than McD next to it..haha..though it's really big and cant fill the fries anymore after finishing the burger

  2. hahaha... most of the shopping centre in perth oso close arnd five, except for friday (it's opened til 9pm)....

    this is my 1st time having CJ fastfood... recommended by Seng, saying that the burger is much larger compared to others, in fact, it is... n the fries is diff oso... make me lagi miss perth!!!! hahaha..

  3. cb! CJ wah !! kns !!
    i shud have go if i have no exam !! wahaha !!


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